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A school visit to remember!

Our first school visit of the year was a great success!!

Very excited feet pitter pattered off the bus as 60 excited five year olds joined us at Johnsons zoo for a day! The morning began with introductions and then after splitting into groups we got a full informative tour of the zoo and tropical house.

At lunch we had a surprise visit from one of the second largest species in the world - the Burmese Python! That got a few excited screams but we think the teachers enjoyed it most.

After lunch came the classroom session and this year group were learning about animal habitats. They helped us put pictures of not only our animals but also of animals around the world into the correct habitats like lions in the savannah and polar bear in the polar regions.

Finally, they got to meet and touch some of our reptiles such as Penny the royal python and Remi the red-footed tortoise. All children were very brave letting Penny slither on there hands and they all agreed in was an amazing experience.

Overall I think we can say it was a day to remember!

If you're part of a school and want to know about how you can visit us, then find all the information on our Zoo pages and contact us today!

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